Traveler train and cargo crash in Joydebpur, nine mentors wrecked

Traveler train and cargo crash in Joydebpur, nine mentors wrecked

A traveler train crashed into a cargo train at the external sign towards the south of Joydebpur station in Gazipur around 10:50am today, Friday.

A traveler train crashed into a cargo train at Joydebpur station in Gazipur. The episode occurred at the external sign towards the south of the station around 10:50am today, Friday. Nine mentors were wrecked while four individuals were harmed at that point.

The train correspondence by means of Joydebpur station is shut since the episode. This had prompted suspension of train correspondence among Dhaka and the north western course.

Station Expert of Joydebpur station, Hanif Mia said that the Tangail worker and a cargo train impacted. This mishap happened because of the signalman's shortcoming.

Five mentors of the cargo train and four mentors of the traveler train have been wrecked. There were less travelers on the passenger train and that is the reason the quantity of injury is low. Four individuals including the crazy expert of the passenger train have been harmed.

Following the mishap, agent chief of Gazipur Abul Destiny Mohammad Shafiqul Islam stayed with the scene. He said that the four harmed have been taken to Shaheed Tajuddin Ahmad Clinical School Emergency clinic.

The delegate magistrate said that a three-part board has been shaped in association with the episode. After the mishap, a few train trips have been suspended at various stations.

The higher specialists of the rail lines have been reached to do whatever it takes to begin the salvage interaction straightaway, he added.

A compartment crashes close to Karwan Bazar of Dhaka in the first part of the day on 17 April, 2024

A compartment of the Jamuna Express train wrecked close to Karwan Bazar in Dhaka today, stopping rail correspondence on the course for quite a while.

The occurrence occurred around 9:30 am, and the train continued its excursion around 10:00 am, abandoning three compartments.

Najmul Islam, the senior supervisor of Bangladesh Rail line, expressed one of the compartments of the Jamuna Express train strayed away from the track close to Karwan Bazar, preventing train procedure on the course for quite a while. Afterward, the specialists started salvage work.

The mishap set off gridlock at Karwan Bazar and Moghbazar regions, with a Dhaka-bound cargo train likewise stalling out there.

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